Author Archives: michaelo

MuSE Drummaps

As there was a request for the drum maps used within MuSE in my Youtube Videos, here they are (I hope, they still work with newer version of MuSE, I used them on 2.2.1 and 3.0.0):

I created them directly in MuSE, but currently I don’t have a version compiled and running (did all the latest stuff within Ardour).

In the drum editor, with double click on the names you can change the names of the notes, with drag and drop reorder the sequence of the rows (though that is not that much recommended as it causes problems on reloading a piece, at least this was the case for 2.2.1 and 3)

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Basically, I went through the midi maps of the drumgizmo kits, took the midi notes from there (or just listened by clicking once on the track) and assigning new names to the instruments

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To save the drum maps, you have to got to the main track view (NOT in the drum editor), right click on the track and select “Save tracks drum list” .

As I have currently no MuSE running, I can’t 100% guarantee that I didn’t forget something, but in principal, that should be it.

DGPatchMaker Open Sourced!

DGPatchMaker is a tool to create patches for the DrumGizmo drum plugin from ready wave-format sample libraries and is now open sourced:

Manual will be updated soon as well as an introductionary video is planned.

A compiled binary (Ubuntu 18.04 x86_64) can be found here:

An introduction to using DGPatchMaker can be found here:

Collection of Haskell Articles

William Yao provided a link collection of useful Haskell articles to the topic good design and good testing (see .

Authors: William Yao, Matt Parsons, David Luposchainsky, Alexis King, Jasper Van der Jeugt, Tom Ellis, Michael Snoyman, Sandy Maguire, Oskar Wickström, Scott Wlaschin, Hillel Wayne

A big thanks to all authors!

I compiled all articles into a single PDF in LaTeX book format

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. You can find it here:

Updated Version (contains 2 more articles):

Github link:

Have fun!

Binding to a C++ CORBA interface in Haskell

This post is mostly a reminder on how I did this, so that I have a place to look it up.

Ok, so basically, I work on the mission control system GECCOS for DLR (Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt), which is currently flying seven missions with it. The MCS is not an isolated system, but connected to a number of other systems around it (e.g. SSB –  network routing to the ground stations, SATMON for having pretty displays, mission planning, flight dynamics etc). In our company, we don’t have these systems available, so we need to somehow simulate them.

This is the point, where Haskell comes into play. Over the course of the last years I developed several tools in Haskell which help me with this (see blog posts: Architecture of a Real World Haskell Application and Architecture of a Real World Haskell Application part II

The Problem

I needed to implement a new interface from the MCS to SATMON. The interface is via the EXIF (external interfaces), which work via CORBA. So to be able to test the new interface, I needed an application which can interface CORBA. That’s where it starts.

Unfortunately, there is no CORBA implementation for Haskell available. The system uses omniORB, which is a C++ ORB but also provides a python implementation.

Creating a new CORBA implementation would be quite a lot of hassle, as this would involve an IDL parser, generating lots of Haskell code and so on. Just in case you are not familiar with CORBA: it is a middleware with remote method invocation. The interfaces are specified in an interface definition language (IDL), which are then translated by the IDL compiler into the used target language (in omniORBs case into C++ or Python).

So a direct binding to the existing C++ interface would be an option. After looking around a bit and playing sometimes with C++ binding generators like fcixx, I came across hoppy, which was used to generate the Haskell binding for the QT library. Ok, I thought, let’s give it a try.

But we are not ready yet. The MCS is compiled and running on a SuSE Linux Enterprise Server 11 system, which is really old. Even worse, the MCS uses legacy libraries, which can only be used with a gcc < 3.4.0, because with 3.4.0 there was a change in the ABI (application binary interface) and the code is not linkable with other stuff. Well, turns out, C linking is still possible, but C++ libraries not.

So, how get this working?

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Line6 Helix Bass Patches

On Request, here are the bass patches I used in the video for Reamping Periphery’s Ragnarok with a Line6 Helix.

Some of the patches contain an Impulse Response which is the one which is recommended from Nolly in his Video about Nolly dials in a bass tone As this is a commercial IR I can’t include it

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. But you can exchange the IR with the Helix internal SVT8x10 simulation or use a free IR instead

Keep in mind, that the used cabinet or IR drastically changes the sound as well as the used bass and pickups

Patches: Nolly_Patches



Video series about a complete Music Production with Muse and Ardour

I created an in-depth tutorial about creating a complete cover song from the MIDI file to the final mastered song

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You can find it here:

or as a complete playlist on youtube:

Music Production Playlist


Creating a Drumgizmo kit from existing samples

This post is about the Drumgizmo plugin I use often under Linux as a drum plugin. It has some free drumkits on the homepage to download, but I also wanted to create a drumkit out of samples I already had. I bought a commercial multi-velocity sampled drum library from drumdrops (the Mapex Heavy Rock Kit to be precise), which I really like, and created a drumgizmo patch for it. You can hear drumgizmo with this kit in action e.g. here:

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The Rise and Fall of Ken Wilber?

In this post I take a look at some critique from Mark Manson (this Article). I agree with a lot of what he says, but about some things I have a quite different view

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. This is strictly my personal opinion about a topic, which some see as the “fall” of Ken Wilber, which I simply don’t see this way. Ok, let’s start…

A first thing that comes into mind is that in this whole article Mark always refers to Version 4 (Wilber-IV) and not one single time to Wilber-V, which is the current version. Actually, this is done by a lot of critics. This is quite fundamental as Wilber-I to Wilber-IV concentrate more on ontological issues (where and how objects are), whereas Wilber-V concentrates on views and perspectives (a more epistemological variant if you like). This renders quite some critiques obsolete. But this is not the main point I want to highlight.

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Ein Blick auf Spirituelle Methoden

Nachdem ich im letzten Artikel auf Entwicklungsstufen eingegangen bin (siehe hier), haben sich einige Fragen zu spirituellen Methoden ergeben, wie z.B.:

Werden bestimmte Praktiken nur auf bestimmten Stufen verwendet, z.B. ist jeder Schamanismus Magenta?

Was ist mit spiritueller Entwicklung (durch Einweihungen, Rituale etc)?

Was ist Spiritualität überhaupt?

Um darauf einzugehen, sind auch hier einige Hintergrundinfos notewendig

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Ist Religion wirklich so schlimm?

(English version is here)

Kurze Antwort: Ja. Und nein.

Für die (sehr) lange Antwort lesen Sie bitte weiter.

Ich wollte diesen Artikel nicht schreiben, aber wegen der jüngsten Terroranschläge in Paris habe ich mich dazu genötigt gefühlt. Eine Menge Scheiße passiert gerade da draußen. Fundamentalisten nutzen die Religion um ihre eigene Weltsicht durchzusetzen (die natürlich die gewaltsame Entfernung von anders denkenden Menschen enthält), Atheisten scherzen oft über Religionen und belächeln religiöse Ansichten oft als dumm, Diskussionen über die Umkehr der Trennung von Kirche und Staat ( zB in den USA), Menschen, die sich aus religiösen Gründen weigern, Hochzeitsurkunden für Gleichgeschlechtliche herauszugeben (gegen das Gesetz), Diskussionen über Frauen, Abtreibung, Zölibat und “Werte der Familie”, “gut” und “schlecht”, große Widersprüche über das, was in den “heiligen” Schriften steht und was die Leute, die sagen, danach zu handeln, wirklich tun etc. Machtmissbrauch, Kindesmissbrauch, Überkontrolle, Patriarchismus, Unterdrückung, Aberglaube, Kreationismus, was Sie wollen, alles, was” schlecht “ist kommt irgendwie in den Religionen vor.

So auf den ersten Blick gibt es da nicht wirklich viel positive Dinge. Auch auf dem zweiten Blick ist es immer noch sehr schlimm. Also lassen Sie uns ein bisschen tiefer graben und hinter einige der Mechanismen in Religionen blicken. Vielleicht sind wir dann in der Lage, ein bisschen mehr zu sehen, nicht alles in einen Topf zu werfen, aufzukochen und dann dieses giftigen Mischmasch in Menschen zu füllen, nur um sich besser zu fühlen, als diese bedauernswerten fehlgeleiteten Kreaturen, mit denen wir Diskussionen führen.

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